The Balustrade plugin created by T. Marek and D. Bur on Ruby Library Depot is a clever plugin that allows you to create your own balusters (also known as hand rails). This plugin allows you to create your own baluster using the menu to control the styles of the posts, handrails and panels. And you can even take it one step further and create your own custom balusters by creating the elements and naming them according to what they are.
The process of creating your own custom baluster is to first create components named HR (for handrail), PO (for posts) and PA (for panels). Then once you create the components you create the track for your baluster (note that the baluster will be positioned on center of the track). And then you can go ahead and run the plugin. It will give you the option to use the plugins already set styles or choose your own by choosing the mentioned components. Be sure to note the positioning of your components, because this can effect your end result. For a more detailed instructions, click here.
Overall, the Balustrade plugin created by T. Marek and D. Bur is a great plugin. It is easy to use and can be very helpful when designing architectural works. At the time of this review this plugin is free and is available at – Ruby Library Depot. I give this plugin 5 out 5 stars!
*Be sure to download the Balustrade Components file*
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